Advanced Usage ============== .. currentmodule:: urllib3 Customizing Pool Behavior ------------------------- The :class:`~poolmanager.PoolManager` class automatically handles creating :class:`~connectionpool.ConnectionPool` instances for each host as needed. By default, it will keep a maximum of 10 :class:`~connectionpool.ConnectionPool` instances. If you're making requests to many different hosts it might improve performance to increase this number. .. code-block:: python import urllib3 http = urllib3.PoolManager(num_pools=50) However, keep in mind that this does increase memory and socket consumption. Similarly, the :class:`~connectionpool.ConnectionPool` class keeps a pool of individual :class:`~connection.HTTPConnection` instances. These connections are used during an individual request and returned to the pool when the request is complete. By default only one connection will be saved for re-use. If you are making many requests to the same host simultaneously it might improve performance to increase this number. .. code-block:: python import urllib3 http = urllib3.PoolManager(maxsize=10) # Alternatively pool = urllib3.HTTPConnectionPool("", maxsize=10) The behavior of the pooling for :class:`~connectionpool.ConnectionPool` is different from :class:`~poolmanager.PoolManager`. By default, if a new request is made and there is no free connection in the pool then a new connection will be created. However, this connection will not be saved if more than ``maxsize`` connections exist. This means that ``maxsize`` does not determine the maximum number of connections that can be open to a particular host, just the maximum number of connections to keep in the pool. However, if you specify ``block=True`` then there can be at most ``maxsize`` connections open to a particular host. .. code-block:: python http = urllib3.PoolManager(maxsize=10, block=True) # Alternatively pool = urllib3.HTTPConnectionPool("", maxsize=10, block=True) Any new requests will block until a connection is available from the pool. This is a great way to prevent flooding a host with too many connections in multi-threaded applications. .. _stream: .. _streaming_and_io: Streaming and I/O ----------------- When using ``preload_content=True`` (the default setting) the response body will be read immediately into memory and the HTTP connection will be released back into the pool without manual intervention. However, when dealing with large responses it's often better to stream the response content using ``preload_content=False``. Setting ``preload_content`` to ``False`` means that urllib3 will only read from the socket when data is requested. .. note:: When using ``preload_content=False``, you need to manually release the HTTP connection back to the connection pool so that it can be re-used. To ensure the HTTP connection is in a valid state before being re-used all data should be read off the wire. You can call the :meth:`~response.HTTPResponse.drain_conn` to throw away unread data still on the wire. This call isn't necessary if data has already been completely read from the response. After all data is read you can call :meth:`~response.HTTPResponse.release_conn` to release the connection into the pool. You can call the :meth:`~response.HTTPResponse.close` to close the connection, but this call doesn’t return the connection to the pool, throws away the unread data on the wire, and leaves the connection in an undefined protocol state. This is desirable if you prefer not reading data from the socket to re-using the HTTP connection. :meth:`` lets you iterate over chunks of the response content. .. code-block:: python import urllib3 resp = urllib3.request( "GET", "", preload_content=False ) for chunk in print(chunk) # b"\x9e\xa97'\x8e\x1eT .... resp.release_conn() However, you can also treat the :class:`~response.HTTPResponse` instance as a file-like object. This allows you to do buffering: .. code-block:: python import urllib3 resp = urllib3.request( "GET", "", preload_content=False ) print( # b"\x88\x1f\x8b\xe5" Calls to :meth:`` will block until more response data is available. .. code-block:: python import io import urllib3 resp = urllib3.request( "GET", "", preload_content=False ) reader = io.BufferedReader(resp, 8) print( # b"\xbf\x9c\xd6" resp.release_conn() You can use this file-like object to do things like decode the content using :mod:`codecs`: .. code-block:: python import codecs import json import urllib3 reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8") resp = urllib3.request( "GET", "", preload_content=False ) print(json.load(reader(resp))) # {"origin": ""} resp.release_conn() .. _proxies: Proxies ------- You can use :class:`~poolmanager.ProxyManager` to tunnel requests through an HTTP proxy: .. code-block:: python import urllib3 proxy = urllib3.ProxyManager("https://localhost:3128/") proxy.request("GET", "") The usage of :class:`~poolmanager.ProxyManager` is the same as :class:`~poolmanager.PoolManager`. You can connect to a proxy using HTTP, HTTPS or SOCKS. urllib3's behavior will be different depending on the type of proxy you selected and the destination you're contacting. HTTP and HTTPS Proxies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Both HTTP/HTTPS proxies support HTTP and HTTPS destinations. The only difference between them is if you need to establish a TLS connection to the proxy first. You can specify which proxy you need to contact by specifying the proper proxy scheme. (i.e ``http://`` or ``https://``) urllib3's behavior will be different depending on your proxy and destination: * HTTP proxy + HTTP destination Your request will be forwarded with the `absolute URI `_. * HTTP proxy + HTTPS destination A TCP tunnel will be established with a `HTTP CONNECT `_. Afterward a TLS connection will be established with the destination and your request will be sent. * HTTPS proxy + HTTP destination A TLS connection will be established to the proxy and later your request will be forwarded with the `absolute URI `_. * HTTPS proxy + HTTPS destination A TLS-in-TLS tunnel will be established. An initial TLS connection will be established to the proxy, then an `HTTP CONNECT `_ will be sent to establish a TCP connection to the destination and finally a second TLS connection will be established to the destination. You can customize the :class:`ssl.SSLContext` used for the proxy TLS connection through the ``proxy_ssl_context`` argument of the :class:`~poolmanager.ProxyManager` class. For HTTPS proxies we also support forwarding your requests to HTTPS destinations with an `absolute URI `_ if the ``use_forwarding_for_https`` argument is set to ``True``. We strongly recommend you **only use this option with trusted or corporate proxies** as the proxy will have full visibility of your requests. .. _https_proxy_error_http_proxy: Your proxy appears to only use HTTP and not HTTPS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you're receiving the :class:`~urllib3.exceptions.ProxyError` and it mentions your proxy only speaks HTTP and not HTTPS here's what to do to solve your issue: If you're using ``urllib3`` directly, make sure the URL you're passing into :class:`urllib3.ProxyManager` starts with ``http://`` instead of ``https://``: .. code-block:: python # Do this: http = urllib3.ProxyManager("http://...") # Not this: http = urllib3.ProxyManager("https://...") If instead you're using ``urllib3`` through another library like Requests there are multiple ways your proxy could be mis-configured. You need to figure out where the configuration isn't correct and make the fix there. Some common places to look are environment variables like ``HTTP_PROXY``, ``HTTPS_PROXY``, and ``ALL_PROXY``. Ensure that the values for all of these environment variables starts with ``http://`` and not ``https://``: .. code-block:: bash # Check your existing environment variables in bash $ env | grep "_PROXY" HTTP_PROXY= HTTPS_PROXY= # <--- This setting is the problem! # Make the fix in your current session and test your script $ export HTTPS_PROXY="" $ python # This should now pass. # Persist your change in your shell 'profile' (~/.bashrc, ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, etc) # You may need to logout and log back in to ensure this works across all programs. $ vim ~/.bashrc If you're on Windows or macOS your proxy may be getting set at a system level. To check this first ensure that the above environment variables aren't set then run the following: .. code-block:: bash $ python -c 'import urllib.request; print(urllib.request.getproxies())' If the output of the above command isn't empty and looks like this: .. code-block:: python { "http": "", "https": "" # <--- This setting is the problem! } Search how to configure proxies on your operating system and change the ``https://...`` URL into ``http://``. After you make the change the return value of ``urllib.request.getproxies()`` should be: .. code-block:: python { # Everything is good here! :) "http": "", "https": "" } If you still can't figure out how to configure your proxy after all these steps please `join our community Discord `_ and we'll try to help you with your issue. SOCKS Proxies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For SOCKS, you can use :class:`~contrib.socks.SOCKSProxyManager` to connect to SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 proxies. In order to use SOCKS proxies you will need to install `PySocks `_ or install urllib3 with the ``socks`` extra: .. code-block:: bash python -m pip install urllib3[socks] Once PySocks is installed, you can use :class:`~contrib.socks.SOCKSProxyManager`: .. code-block:: python from urllib3.contrib.socks import SOCKSProxyManager proxy = SOCKSProxyManager("socks5h://localhost:8889/") proxy.request("GET", "") .. note:: It is recommended to use ``socks5h://`` or ``socks4a://`` schemes in your ``proxy_url`` to ensure that DNS resolution is done from the remote server instead of client-side when connecting to a domain name. .. _ssl_custom: .. _custom_ssl_certificates: Custom TLS Certificates ----------------------- Instead of using `certifi `_ you can provide your own certificate authority bundle. This is useful for cases where you've generated your own certificates or when you're using a private certificate authority. Just provide the full path to the certificate bundle when creating a :class:`~poolmanager.PoolManager`: .. code-block:: python import urllib3 http = urllib3.PoolManager( cert_reqs="CERT_REQUIRED", ca_certs="/path/to/your/certificate_bundle" ) resp = http.request("GET", "") When you specify your own certificate bundle only requests that can be verified with that bundle will succeed. It's recommended to use a separate :class:`~poolmanager.PoolManager` to make requests to URLs that do not need the custom certificate. .. _sni_custom: Custom SNI Hostname ------------------- If you want to create a connection to a host over HTTPS which uses SNI, there are two places where the hostname is expected. It must be included in the Host header sent, so that the server will know which host is being requested. The hostname should also match the certificate served by the server, which is checked by urllib3. Normally, urllib3 takes care of setting and checking these values for you when you connect to a host by name. However, it's sometimes useful to set a connection's expected Host header and certificate hostname (subject), especially when you are connecting without using name resolution. For example, you could connect to a server by IP using HTTPS like so: .. code-block:: python import urllib3 pool = urllib3.HTTPSConnectionPool( "", server_hostname="" ) pool.request( "GET", "/", headers={"Host": ""}, assert_same_host=False ) Note that when you use a connection in this way, you must specify ``assert_same_host=False``. This is useful when DNS resolution for ```` does not match the address that you would like to use. The IP may be for a private interface, or you may want to use a specific host under round-robin DNS. .. _assert_hostname: Verifying TLS against a different host -------------------------------------- If the server you're connecting to presents a different certificate than the hostname or the SNI hostname, you can use ``assert_hostname``: .. code-block:: python import urllib3 pool = urllib3.HTTPSConnectionPool( "", assert_hostname="", ) pool.request("GET", "/") .. _ssl_client: Client Certificates ------------------- You can also specify a client certificate. This is useful when both the server and the client need to verify each other's identity. Typically these certificates are issued from the same authority. To use a client certificate, provide the full path when creating a :class:`~poolmanager.PoolManager`: .. code-block:: python http = urllib3.PoolManager( cert_file="/path/to/your/client_cert.pem", cert_reqs="CERT_REQUIRED", ca_certs="/path/to/your/certificate_bundle" ) If you have an encrypted client certificate private key you can use the ``key_password`` parameter to specify a password to decrypt the key. .. code-block:: python http = urllib3.PoolManager( cert_file="/path/to/your/client_cert.pem", cert_reqs="CERT_REQUIRED", key_file="/path/to/your/client.key", key_password="keyfile_password" ) If your key isn't encrypted the ``key_password`` parameter isn't required. TLS minimum and maximum versions -------------------------------- When the configured TLS versions by urllib3 aren't compatible with the TLS versions that the server is willing to use you'll likely see an error like this one: .. code-block:: SSLError(1, '[SSL: UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL] unsupported protocol (_ssl.c:1124)') Starting in v2.0 by default urllib3 uses TLS 1.2 and later so servers that only support TLS 1.1 or earlier will not work by default with urllib3. To fix the issue you'll need to use the ``ssl_minimum_version`` option along with the `TLSVersion enum`_ in the standard library ``ssl`` module to configure urllib3 to accept a wider range of TLS versions. For the best security it's a good idea to set this value to the version of TLS that's being used by the server. For example if the server requires TLS 1.0 you'd configure urllib3 like so: .. code-block:: python import ssl import urllib3 http = urllib3.PoolManager( ssl_minimum_version=ssl.TLSVersion.TLSv1 ) # This request works! resp = http.request("GET", "") .. _TLSVersion enum: .. _ssl_mac: .. _certificate_validation_and_mac_os_x: Certificate Validation and macOS -------------------------------- Apple-provided Python and OpenSSL libraries contain a patches that make them automatically check the system keychain's certificates. This can be surprising if you specify custom certificates and see requests unexpectedly succeed. For example, if you are specifying your own certificate for validation and the server presents a different certificate you would expect the connection to fail. However, if that server presents a certificate that is in the system keychain then the connection will succeed. `This article `_ has more in-depth analysis and explanation. .. _ssl_warnings: TLS Warnings ------------ urllib3 will issue several different warnings based on the level of certificate verification support. These warnings indicate particular situations and can be resolved in different ways. * :class:`~exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning` This happens when a request is made to an HTTPS URL without certificate verification enabled. Follow the :ref:`certificate verification ` guide to resolve this warning. .. _disable_ssl_warnings: Making unverified HTTPS requests is **strongly** discouraged, however, if you understand the risks and wish to disable these warnings, you can use :func:`~urllib3.disable_warnings`: .. code-block:: python import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings() Alternatively you can capture the warnings with the standard :mod:`logging` module: .. code-block:: python logging.captureWarnings(True) Finally, you can suppress the warnings at the interpreter level by setting the ``PYTHONWARNINGS`` environment variable or by using the `-W flag `_. Brotli Encoding --------------- Brotli is a compression algorithm created by Google with better compression than gzip and deflate and is supported by urllib3 if the `Brotli `_ package or `brotlicffi `_ package is installed. You may also request the package be installed via the ``urllib3[brotli]`` extra: .. code-block:: bash $ python -m pip install urllib3[brotli] Here's an example using brotli encoding via the ``Accept-Encoding`` header: .. code-block:: python import urllib3 urllib3.request( "GET", "", headers={"Accept-Encoding": "br"} ) Zstandard Encoding ------------------ `Zstandard `_ is a compression algorithm created by Facebook with better compression than brotli, gzip and deflate (see `benchmarks `_) and is supported by urllib3 if the `zstandard package `_ is installed. You may also request the package be installed via the ``urllib3[zstd]`` extra: .. code-block:: bash $ python -m pip install urllib3[zstd] .. note:: Zstandard support in urllib3 requires using v0.18.0 or later of the ``zstandard`` package. If the version installed is less than v0.18.0 then Zstandard support won't be enabled. Here's an example using zstd encoding via the ``Accept-Encoding`` header: .. code-block:: python import urllib3 urllib3.request( "GET", "", headers={"Accept-Encoding": "zstd"} ) Decrypting Captured TLS Sessions with Wireshark ----------------------------------------------- Python 3.8 and higher support logging of TLS pre-master secrets. With these secrets tools like `Wireshark `_ can decrypt captured network traffic. To enable this simply define environment variable `SSLKEYLOGFILE`: .. code-block:: bash export SSLKEYLOGFILE=/path/to/keylogfile.txt Then configure the key logfile in `Wireshark `_, see `Wireshark TLS Decryption `_ for instructions. Custom SSL Contexts ------------------- You can exercise fine-grained control over the urllib3 SSL configuration by providing a :class:`ssl.SSLContext ` object. For purposes of compatibility, we recommend you obtain one from :func:`~urllib3.util.create_urllib3_context`. Once you have a context object, you can mutate it to achieve whatever effect you'd like. For example, the code below loads the default SSL certificates, sets the :data:`ssl.OP_ENABLE_MIDDLEBOX_COMPAT` flag that isn't set by default, and then makes a HTTPS request: .. code-block:: python import ssl from urllib3 import PoolManager from urllib3.util import create_urllib3_context ctx = create_urllib3_context() ctx.load_default_certs() ctx.options |= ssl.OP_ENABLE_MIDDLEBOX_COMPAT with PoolManager(ssl_context=ctx) as pool: pool.request("GET", "") Note that this is different from passing an ``options`` argument to :func:`~urllib3.util.create_urllib3_context` because we don't overwrite the default options: we only add a new one.